Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This place and time.

It is important for me to have some kind of basis of inspirations for my art. So. New house, new year, blah! What’s this place and time about?

Last year was about pressure. It was about homelessness. Hopelessness. Absurdity and insanity. It was about a sickening success. It was about excess and reduction.

This year perhaps is about:

I’m not focusing on “acts” this year. Acts are so boring. I would like to just make shows. A show can be 2 minutes, 8 mins (like an average act), it can be 2 hours. It’s just the way you treat the performance which is different.

I find the structure of performance pieces interesting. Not really interested in rehashing new versions of tired storylines and their structures though. I would like to make work which is quite structurally experimental / diverse. I would like to take into consideration different show formats for this.

I like fantasies. I particularly like the fantasies we create in our everyday lives. The problems which are built up to be bigger then they really are. The lies we tell without noticing because we believe them. The characters we play everyday and characters we want to become. The way different people change our character. The daydream within a mundane action. Small stories. The idea that every moment is a performance and we all play rolls given to us and created by us. Life is the performance, and our art is what we have to show for it. I’m interested to see how messing with structure can create and destroy fantasies.

Circus skills I'm working on are advanced hanstands, flex and stumbling. Financially useless (yet unique) tricks like a handstand on a bowling ball, or plank-of-wood stacking and face manipulation. Also some ridicules tricks like no-arm headstand on wood and solo-pole. Circus tricks still get me off. It’s good to be enthusiastic to play that character again.

I like matters of the heart. So I guess a lot of my art will be about people. Learning guitar and singing.. I like to write about girls lol.

My things still are going to be inaccessible and we’re going to get excellent audiences!

I would like to work on a few other peoples theatre shows, but I’m going to be more selective with the projects I get involved in. I’m going to create a lot of works with different people.

Slide Projection Night, will become a regular experiment at Medium Artsspace.

I would like to work from time to time with a photographer to create work for them to exhibit.

OH! AND I like sending letters. I like getting letters. I’ll create an address book. What’s your address? I’ll send you a letter.

Smell you later.. Skye

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